The following videos are provided by CalMutuals for your information.

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American Association of Water Distribution & Management

In cooperation with the American Association of Water Distribution & Management  (AAWD&M), we are pleased to provide our members access to the following leadership workshop videos.

To view the videos, simply click on the play button of the video you wish to view.  To maximize the video window, click on the small four-arrow icon in the lower right corner of the video.

Module #1: Inverse Condemnation

​This video compilation on Inverse Condemnation explains the complexity, contradiction and confusion of an evolving legal theory that presents an existential threat to public water systems.

Video #1 on Inverse Condemnation explains the legal theory’s genesis, trends, and exposures as it relates to public water systems.

Video #2 on Inverse Condemnation presents a case study involving litigation filed against a public water district.

Video #3 on Inverse Condemnation explains the risk management and corporate structure techniques to mitigate this exposure.

Module #2: Critical Infrastructure

This video compilation on Critical Infrastructure explains the emerging risk of physical and electronic threats impacting public water systems.

Video #1 on Critical Infrastructure explains the software exposure as it relates to public water systems.

Video #2 on Critical Infrastructure explains the regulatory support and resources afforded to public water systems.

Video #3 on Critical Infrastructure explains the physical exposures as it relates to public water systems.

Module #3: Maximizing Your Workers Compensation Purchase

This video compilation is about Maximizing Your Workers Compensation Purchase.

Module #4: Sexual Harassment & #MeToo Movement

This video compilation is on Sexual Harassment & the #MeToo Movement.

Module #5: Climate Change

Video #1 presents a holistic view of climate change from the perspective of a weather scientist.

Video #2 presents a case study depicting the impact of climate change on a public water system.

Video #3 encompasses a panel discussion on climate change from the view of risk management, emergency management, and insurance/reinsurance.

Module #6: Gordon Graham Series – Risk Management for Public Water Systems

Video 1 of 9: What is Risk Management All About?

This video serves as the foundation for the entire Risk Management for Public Water Systems Module. Gordon informs the viewer of the consequences that occur when “things” do not get done right. Gordon focuses less on the role of lawyers in handling these consequences and more on the key role of the informed employee, supervisor, manager or executive in building viable control measures to address these risks proactively.

Video 2 of 9: The Ten Families of Risk

In this video, Gordon takes the thousands of “risks” faced by public water systems and put them into “Ten Families.” Mr. Graham identifies each of these families and challenges the viewer to identify the “three greatest risks” faced by your organization in each of these families – and to assure you have appropriate control measures in place to address each of these identified risks.

Video 3 of 9: The Five Concurrent Themes for Success

In this video, Gordon introduces you to a “checklist” for success. If the ultimate goal is “getting things done right,” here is a 5 step checklist to achieve that goal.

Video 4 of 9: Organizational Risk Management

This video introduces “The Five Pillars of Success.” When the leadership of a public water system focuses on getting and keeping good PEOPLE, building good POLICY, assuring great initial and ongoing TRAINING, providing adequate SUPERVISION, and having a viable DISCIPLINE process in place to address employees who do not follow organizational policy – you will dramatically increase the probability of “tasks, incidents and events” ending up “going right” thus avoiding nasty consequences.

Video 5 of 9: Meaningful Performance Evaluations

In this video, Gordon focuses on comprehensive background investigations and performance evaluations, which form Pillar One – Getting and Keeping Good People. Performance Evaluations are a great risk management tool – when they are taken seriously. Gordon will give you some in depth thoughts on the importance of evaluations as well as background investigations – and some proven strategies to improve the quality of the process.

Video 6 of 9: Supervision 101

In this video, Gordon focuses on how best to select, train, mentor and develop your supervisory team. Is there a better way to do this? What is the key role of the supervisor? What are the consequences when supervisors do not behave like supervisors?

Video 7 of 9: Employee Discipline

In this video, Gordon focuses on Pillar Five with some thought on the importance of Discipline. When rules are not being followed – this failure to act must be addressed through the discipline function. Failure to address a violation of policy can result in significant consequences, and Gordon will provide his rules for successful discipline in the workplace.

Video 8 of 9: Job Based Harassment

In this video, Gordon talks about the “hot topic” of Harassment in the workplace. This is not a “Black Swan” but rather a “Gray Rhino” and the consequences for allowing inappropriate behavior in the workplace are significant. Gordon will provide some proven strategies and tactics to address this critical issue with the ultimate goal of better protecting all of your personnel from inappropriate behavior.

Video 9 of 9: Ethical Decision Making

In this video, Gordon talks about the importance of giving your personnel a “decision making process.” In too many organizations, we teach our people how to do things – but we do not teach them how to think. Gordon will provide a decision making process that is applicable for all high-risk professions.

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